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How to Overcome Opioid Addiction: What to Expect in Rehab

Opioid addiction has become a widespread epidemic, leading to devastating consequences for individuals and communities alike. If you or someone you love is struggling with opioid addiction, there is hope for recovery through the right treatment. Find out how to overcome opioid addiction and what to expect from rehab. By understanding these aspects, you can better prepare yourself or your loved one for the journey towards lasting recovery.

Opioid Addiction Causes

Before discussing how to overcome opioid addiction, it’s crucial to understand why opioid use disorder occurs in the first place. Opioids are highly addictive because they target specific brain receptors responsible for managing pain and emotions. They also force the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure, which can cause euphoria. 

When used regularly over an extended period, a person’s brain chemistry changes. They can develop tolerance and dependence on opioids quickly. Additionally, risk factors such as genetics, environment, and trauma can make people more susceptible to opioid use disorder.

Recognizing the Signs of Opioid Addiction

When a person is addicted to opioids, there are different physical and behavioral symptoms they could exhibit, including:

  • Problems at work or school
  • Lack of personal hygiene
  • Loss of interest in activities and hobbies they enjoy
  • Frequent mood swings
  • Fatigue and lethargy
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Financial issues
  • Drug-seeking behaviors
  • Weight loss
  • Isolating from family and friends
  • Engaging in risky and impulsive behaviors
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when opioids wear off

Making the Decision to Seek Help

Acknowledging that there’s a problem with substance abuse takes courage. Choosing to not only recognize there is a problem but also admit it requires determination. It may even feel scary at times. Venturing into unfamiliar territory without opioids can create uncertainty about what lies ahead. However, choosing to seek help is a crucial step in overcoming opioid addiction. Most importantly, individuals are never alone when they want help.

What to Expect in Opioid Rehab

Once deciding to seek treatment for opioid addiction, it is understandable to want to know what to expect in rehab. The processes used at opioid rehab facilities will include comprehensive, evidence-based, and holistic modalities. Some treatment centers also offer faith-based rehab options, which is highly beneficial for those who believe in God. 

Opioid Detox and Withdrawal Management

The first stage of drug rehab involves opioid detox to flush all opioids out of the system under medical supervision. Various FDA-approved medications can be administered to help manage cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

Addiction Counseling for Opioid Abuse

Addiction counseling provides critical psychological support during rehab and recovery. It addresses the underlying causes of addiction, as well as any mental health issues. People also learn effective coping strategies and skills. With faith-based rehab, people learn that forgiveness and healing are possible through God’s love. They also learn how to use scripture, prayer, and bible study as coping skills when facing cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

Addressing Co-Occurring Mental Health Issues

Research has shown individuals struggling with opioid use disorder often have underlying mental health conditions. They could have anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, or even PTSD. Rather than seek professional help for their mental health issues, they turn to opioids to cope with their symptoms. Sadly, this only leads to addiction and a worsening of their mental health issues.\

It is important to treat co-occurring mental health issues when treating opioid addiction. The power of Christ can be a source of strength and comfort while working through co-occurring conditions. It can help people find a way forward and help them manage their mental health issues without turning to drugs.

Building a Support System

Building a support system is a vital part of rehab and recovery from opioids. A support system can consist of:

  • Counselors
  • Therapists
  • Clergymen, clergywomen, and priests
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Peers also in recovery
  • Bible study groups
  • Worship and fellowship groups

Studies have shown that people with a solid support network significantly reduce their risk of relapse. Should a person relapse, it is much easier to regain control over their sobriety with a support network in place.

Relapse Prevention

Relapse prevention is another important part of recovery from opioid addiction. People need to have a plan in place when they are facing triggering situations and cravings. During rehab, people will learn how to turn to prayer or bible study in times of difficulty. They also learn when they should contact someone for added support and guidance.

Relapse prevention is ongoing, and changes as a person becomes stronger in their faith with God and Jesus. Initially, they usually need more support and guidance as they are learning how to live without drugs. As they rebuild their relationship with Christ, they start to realize how their faith can help them prevent relapse. Eventually, they can fully recover and heal from opioid addiction without fear of relapse.

Maintaining Long-Term Recovery with Help from Spring2Life Recovery

If you or your loved one is ready to break free from the chains of opioid addiction, Spring2Life Recovery is here to help. Our fault-based rehab treatment center provides comprehensive and compassionate care. Our Christian-based programs incorporate faith principles along with evidence-based and holistic therapies. Contact us today to see how to overcome opioid addiction through the power of Christ.


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