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26 Sep, 2023

How to Host a Faith-Based Intervention

Watching a family member or a loved one struggle with addiction can be tough. For many people, it…
26 Sep, 2023

Signs of Drug Use

Drug abuse may start slowly, but it is hard to conceal from family members and friends for long. …
26 Sep, 2023

Top Reasons to Consider Checking into Drug and …

Recovering from drug or alcohol addiction is hard work. Healing and becoming truly rehabilitated …
26 Sep, 2023

Things to Remember as You Navigate the Holidays…

With the holidays just a few weeks away, many of us are looking forward to spending time with fam…
26 Sep, 2023

The Opioid Crisis: Fentanyl

Across the United States, the growing opioid crisis continues to make headlines. Fentanyl is one …
26 Sep, 2023

Why a Christian Curriculum is the Most Effectiv…

Traditional 12-Step addiction recovery programs have been around for decades, so what is differen…
26 Sep, 2023

The Importance of Having a Recovery Support System

While there are many proven methods to encourage a life of recovery, one common theme across nume…

Begin Faith-Based Recovery Today

Our faith-based approach to addiction recovery can help you find purpose in life through the word of God and the teachings of Jesus. Contact us today to begin your journey.